MaMuMi “Mapping the Music of Migration” è un progetto pan-europeo sulle tradizioni musicali di due anni finanziato dal programma Erasmus+, incentrato sulla musica e sulle canzoni come strumenti di conoscenza interculturale. Prevede la raccolta, l’editing e il caricamento di “Song Stories”, storie sulla musica in un’app interattiva. Queste storie si concentrano su “tracce ereditarie”; le canzoni o la musica che i migranti hanno ereditato, la cui discussione funge da piattaforma per la consapevolezza della diversità nei seminari specifici del progetto MaMuMi chiamati “Song Worlds”.
Obiettivi del progetto
Il progetto mira a utilizzare lo storytelling sulla musica come meccanismo positivo per contrastare gli stereotipi e per attivare spazi di discussione.
Obiettivi Specifici
Offrire ai migranti uno spazio in cui possano usare la musica per raccontare storie di canzoni e quindi rafforzare l’autostima e l’importanza in un ambiente nuovo o ostile
Offrire ai migranti uno spazio in cui possano usare la musica per raccontare storie di canzoni e quindi rafforzare l’autostima e l’importanza in un ambiente nuovo o ostile
La Music Migration Map sarà un’app interattiva gratuita che metterà in evidenza le storie e i viaggi dei migranti.

Histories and emotional pasts
Increased understanding of the histories and emotional pasts of migrants.
Increased understanding
Increased understanding for migrants of NGOs’ pasts (as trainers will be invited to partake in the workshops too, providing their own song stories – although these will not be mapped on the app).
Visibility of specific migration journeys
Visibility of specific migration journeys narrated by migrants themselves via the MaMuMi method of talking about song.

Abigail talked about the MaMuMi project with the paper “The importance of music and affective potential”
Abigail Gardner, coordinator of the MaMuMi project, has taken part in a 24 hour online storytelling marathon and told people about the MaMuMi project. On the 21st and 22nd of June, this 24-hour 'online marathon' was part of a multi-institutional, multinational,...
MaMuMi on Athens News Agency in Greece
Our partnets from KMOP gave a really interesting interview on Athens News Agency radio station about MaMuMi project, its goal, next steps, the workshops KMOP is conducting in Greece and the promotion of the upcoming ones with migrants....
2000 views to date on our Living Room Lecture about the @Mamumi project
When we talk about music, we talk about ourselves. When our selves are in conversation with others in new environments and we discuss music from our past that we want to extend into our futures, we are talking about the flow of music through our bodies and across...
MaMuMi Audio Collection (Case Studies)
This audio collection stores the MaMuMi song stories in one accessible digital archive. It is an innovative audio library of song stories. The output has high transferability potential; individual stories can be accessed and used by NGOs, policy makers and arts organisations to illustrate individual stories around migration. Its expected impact is in its capacity to affect change in attitudes towards migrants and to provide evidence of shared histories and experiences amongst migrant groups in host nations.
Music Migration Map (App)
The MaMuMi Music Workshops will deliver individual stories about music and song. These stories will be added to a virtual map. When the user clicks on a place, they will hear the story (and clips of the song) and trace that individual’s migration journey, from and to their current location. Individuals will remain anonymous (unless they indicate otherwise). The Interactive App will be suitable for phone, tablet and computer.